I really need to rant about my mom.
She's literally the worst person I've ever met. You know those horrible redpill stereotypes about women? That make them sound like useless, nagging crazy leeches who contribute nothing and treat men like shit? She hits almost every single one. The only awful things she HASN'T done are cheat on him and divorce him and take all his money, so she has that going for her. Other than that she's a fucking nutcase and the worst person I've ever known.
She just called me, and like usual she bitches about my dad. She's "sick". She has five chronic illnesses which she mentions all the time. I don't know how you have that many or what, some of them are a thyroid condition (which is real), celiac's (maybe real. she didn't get an actual test just the "stop eating gluten and see if you feel bad" test) hashimoto's (which is the above two combined I guess) and two others ?? I don't fucking know she's been pulling this sicknesses stuff my entire life to get out of doing basically anything. Maybe it's real, maybe it's not. There are conflicting reports from family members about her behavior when she's not around us. She's a big fan of homeopathy and quack doctors.
Anyway, she calls to bitch about how my dad doesn't do anything around the house, as usual. I think it's fucking bullshit. He works full time, he works a night shift, which he says he likes but I don't think he should be doing at his age (almost 70). Then he comes home and does whatever chores she demands. Many of our calls involve her bitching about how he doesn't do them perfectly. Like he dusts the house and vacuums, every week, but sometimes doesn't dust the top of the closet or vacuums completely, that kind of thing.
From my perspective, he does BASICALLY ALL of the chores. When I go home for winter break she will do like 1 thing and complain about hard it is the entire time. Not one thing per day, ONE THING the entire time. Maybe two? And it's always something like cooking dinner which she acts like a martyr over. Other times the chore is sitting at her computer doing something. Yeah real fucking hard. Meanwhile dad is out buying groceries, coming home, cooking, taking her dog out for walks, vacuuming, dusting, mowing the lawn, and whatever else. I don't have a chronic illness but I know people who do and I think they do more than 1 or 2 things a week. They also don't bitch about it constantly. She hasn't worked in 25 years, so she doesn't consider working something that contributes to the family, and many times has implied working 40+ hours a week night shift is a snooze fest.
The house's cleanliness is more than fine. I grew up with her whining about how everything in the house was messy and how awful it was, but all of my friends coming over agreed it was impeccably clean, and it was easily the cleanest of all the houses I ever visited. I thought about submitting her to one of those daytime talk shows featuring the bitchy moms that make everybody over clean every thing, but she's not quite as obsessive as them so I don't think it would work. But according to her, the house is awful, it's dirty, the word "cesspool" is often used, and it's all dad's fault. She doesn't visit many people so likely has no idea what houses look like outside of staged ones on tv.
I think she's nagging my dad to death. Really. He works, does chores, and sleeps. Any hobby he has, she bitches about incessantly. He already gave up a couple of hobbies due to her nagging. They take time away from cleaning and the family (her) apparently. Now she's bitching about the last two things he does, sleep and use the computer. I barely talk to him and I understand why he does this, because at least when he's sleeping she's not constantly nagging him. When he's awake, she yells at him, demeans him, and generally acts like a piece of shit. I can only visit for 4-5 days at a time because I want to slap the shit out of her. She's the most horrible person I've ever met. Never mind this guy all but wipes her ass, and somehow sticks with her. Like honestly. if he filed for divorce I would support him, I would try to hire him a really great divorce attorney. She's that bad. I think he's resigned himself, and thinks women are just like this and he takes his marital vows very seriously.
She complains all the time about stuff he buys for himself, and occasionally throws it out when he's at work. He has basically two areas in the house right now, his computer room and the garage. So of course she's constantly throwing fits about how hoarded they are, which they are not. She's mentioned submitting him to hoarders which is the biggest pile of garbage I've ever heard. He has a closet, a filing cabinet, and a desk with some stuff on it, plus the garage. It is NOT hoarded. I am somewhat of a minimalist so I feel confident saying that. It's crowded but it's nowhere near a hoard, not even 1/10 of Barb's. But to her, it's all crap and has got to go and she nags him about him constantly. Like idk, if you don't like that room don't fucking go in it? You don't even have to walk past it, she's just a fucking bitch about it for no reason. She's almost shot him, according to her. She is ridiculously paranoid about house intruders so my dad bought her a gun. She informed him he needed to always come through the garage, instead of the front door (?) and she props a vase up against it constantly. One day he came through the front door and according to her she almost shot him for it. Because home intruders always use keys in the front door, she's fucking retarded like that. She likely nagged him for days over it even though SHE ALMOST KILLED HIM.
She's a perpetual victim. No one talks to her because she's awful, so she doesn't have any friend except her doctor's receptionist. She has three kids, including me and I'm the only one that talks to her, which I often question if I should be doing. She doesn't talk to her other two kids probably because they called her out on her stupid fucking bullshit. Growing up with her she barely talked to them at all and my brother blames her for a lot of his problems. Don't get me wrong, my dad has his faults as well. They pale in comparison to all of this.
Anyway, today she called me, bitching about my dad as usual. I got sick of it and tried to suggest he's depressed (she thinks he has celiac's, which he hasn't been tested for, and is incredibly rare, but she read a couple of books about it so she knows everything now) and finally I got sick of her bitching about how he doesn't clean enough. I pointed out you don't need to dust every two days. Something I said, I don't remember but it really pissed her off. It wasn't even inflammatory, I've learned NOT to say anything like that. Anyway I hear her kicking stuff around like a child (she uses these childish tactics often) and hanging up on me. Hope she doesn't call me for a month.